Tuesday, June 26, 2007

new print

I finally made a new print! And I'm finally feeling better. It has been a long couple of months, but the acupuncture and various tinctures and things are helping and I feel about 90% of normal today.

These little prints are for sale in my etsy shop!


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

colour lovers

Have you tried Colour Lovers yet? It's so much fun! I've just started to explore it, and I made my first colour palette. I was playing around with colour ideas for a new design project that I just took on, doing a new logo and identity for a local children's photographer.

idea for kate
And I made this one, inspired by the colors in this vintage child's dress:
Vintage Red Dress
Also, I'm feeling pretty much better now. I still have a lingering cough and not all of my energy, but I'm going to see an acupuncturist this week and I have hopes that it will help.

Monday, June 04, 2007

slowly feeling better


pineapple guava in bloom
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