Friday, March 16, 2007

work in progress

Friday is the day to show some work in progress, right? This painting is nearly done, but it needs something. Not sure what. It will probably look much different when it is finished


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

these are pants!

these are pants!, originally uploaded by monster town.

today's photo

Friday, March 09, 2007

wasp on sink

wasp on sink, originally uploaded by monster town.

I'm still doing the photo project, here is my photo from today.

A beautiful, but scary wasp flew in to my studio and stayed for two days. I took photos both days, this one was my favorite...and I had to get really close.

There are a lot of beautiful photos in the 30dayphoto flickr group. Which you can join at any time.

Look at this one from Michelle of Lemon Head Designs. She's a professional photographer and crafter of really cool baby things.

And this one from will n' heidi. Will's the one taking the photos, and Heidi is often the subject.

I'll show you some more from the other members tomorrow, but my pizza is in the oven and needs attention.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


magnolia, originally uploaded by monster town.

Springtime here amazes me anew each year. Do you see how many blossoms are on this tree?

Monday, March 05, 2007

brooke and the birthday chicken

30 Day Photo Project number 3

Saturday, March 03, 2007

i love this idea

This is a really lovely idea and far better than cramming your favorite fabrics in some kind of horrible plastic bin.

I already have far too many embroidery hoops.

Friday, March 02, 2007

30 Day Photo number 2

I made some homemade pasta for lunch, it has poppy seeds in it, and I served it with olive oil, salt and pepper and juice from a Meyer lemon. yum.

if you have to buy gasoline

The Sierra Club has just published their "Pick Your Poison" guide. If you drive a car, and you buy gasoline, this guide will let you know the best and worst companies to buy from based on their environmental records.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

30 Day Photo number 1

This is probably not the best photo that I took today, but it's a rainbow! So it just wins by it's very nature, right? There were rainbows all over the place today. I like those blue trucks too.

After that, my daughter took about a hundred photos (for real) at the orthodontist's office while my son was having his appointment.

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cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms, originally uploaded by ScottyJ.

This is Scott's first 30 Day Photo picture. It is so pretty I kind of want to eat it.

You'd never guess that he is spending 12 hours a day in an office, and that this is right outside of his door.

He set up a flickr group for the challenge, so come on and join us!

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DudeandWalterMii.jpg, originally uploaded by ScottyJ.

We got a Nintendo Wii. It is so much fun!

Here are some Big Lebowski mii's that Scott and I made. He made the Dude, and I made Walter.