I've been trying since about 7pm to post pictures from Z's birthday, but my little Hello Bloggerbot thingy is really not working. And they were cute too...dang.
Otherwise, today has been pretty good. Kids went to school, carpooling, home to work on stuff for the Mama Buzz cafe craft fair, errands, and a brief stop for lunch with Scott and Gary in Scott's driveway (it was warmer than the house). Dog sat next to me the whole time, looking up all hopeful. He knows that I'm a complete sucker. A short and welcome stop. Good lunch too..(thanks Scott).
I did some xmas shopping, got some things that were on the kids' lists. I got some supplies for the mama buzz thing. I ran to a few yarn stores looking for a local supplier of merino roving, but no luck. I'll have to order some. Someone ordered two of my scarves for xmas gifts, and that makes me happy.
Went to the school and picked up the kids, home, snacks for them, speech therapist for S. Zelia and Madi from next door played with the new
window markers I bought today. I thought the kids could use them to decorate the windows for the holidays.
They ended up getting in a strange screaming fight, and Lacey and I had to give them some time apart, Z had a meltdown in her room, and near the end of it, Spring and Djuna showed up. Everyone calmed down and it was good. It left me a bit distracted, but I eventually recovered. Madi and Lacey and Achilles came over again later, and everyone played and that was great. In between that there was dinner and more snacks and some phone calls.
Now I had better go read the bedtime stories.
I'll try to post the photos again later.