Tuesday, October 04, 2005

another day older

It's my birthday today. So far, not my best ever. Actually it's been kind of one of those lock yourself in a closet and cry for no reason kind of birthdays. But it will soon get better, I think. I just ordered an ungodly amount of pizza and the kids and I are going to pick it up and watch a movie and play a board game together and Scott is on his way up to see me.

My best birthday ever was two years ago. I had a blind date which turned out better than I ever could have hoped. It was with Scott! After that I went out with my wonderful bunch of mama friends and we had drinks and then went to rock n'roll sunday school for dancing and they had baked me cookies and brought balloons and flowers and we did all kinds of crazy interpretive dancing until the wee hours of the night.

Also, my sister said that the prints look washed out and faded on my blog, and also on etsy. Do they look like that to everyone else?


Blogger mati rose said...

happy hope it gets better birthday!
such a swoshing of emotions natural for b-days and pre-show jitters, i think. being in a closet sounds kind of nice and soft and quiet right now:)

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the prints looked really good.

8:28 AM  

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