Monday, September 18, 2006


I'm painting, and working on AppleSeed and doing my eBay listings. I managed to fight off a cold yesterday, and I'm trying to get as much done today as I can.

We went to the city on Saturday, to shop for bento boxes in Japan Town. There was some kind of big cosplay thing happening there, so the place was packed with Sailor Moons and Narutos and people in cat ears and with red kimono and purple wigs and platform shoes.

I didn't find the bento stuff that I was really looking for, but I got a few things at the Japanese dollar store place. The book store was too crowded so I didn't get to really browse and choose a nice new Japanese craft or art book.

Then we went to Gage's show which was in a lovely gallery. The paintings looked so beautiful all together. I would really like to buy the one of Scott, but it's a bit out of my price range. I saw Kathan Brown there, from Crown Point Press, and that was neat. If you haven't already, you should check out the website for her book, Magical Secrets about Thinking Creatively.

I like to watch the little three minute egg videos.

After Gage's show, we went to a gallery on Polk St. where my friend Art has a piece in a group show.

Okay, back to work. I'm totally wasting time looking for a new audio book to listen to. (any recommendations?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fortress Of Solitude" by Jonathan Lethem, or "Extremely Loud Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Such painfully good books.

2:17 PM  
Blogger zelia said...

oh, good, I'll look for them. I've read Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem, and that was really good.

Thanks, Sheba!

I wasted something like two hours yesterday looking for a book, and just ended up re-listening to "The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson.

10:06 AM  

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