Wednesday, January 31, 2007

of flu and fashion

What a week this has been. My daughter fell ill with a raging case of the influenza that is going around here. It came on suddenly and lingered for...oh I don't know, what day is it now? A long time. And despite fanatical hand washing, I picked it up too. A much milder version of it, but still I am wiped out and I pretty much can't do a thing except to lie in bed and watch the very addictive Project Catwalk...and Project Runway too.

I watched the whole first season of the British Project Catwalk and it was great. They are much nicer to each other on British reality tv.

We don't have cable, so thank goodness for itunes.

Anyhow, now I have signed up for the wardrobe refashion challenge. Should be fun!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I found this cute home made vintage apron for one dollar a few weeks ago. It even has a towel attached to it! I will wear it while I'm painting so that I don't ruin my clothes anymore.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

apartment therapy auction

My piece is up for bidding right now in the Apartment Therapy auction to benefit DrawBridge.

I will also be donating work to the auction to benefit Christian Flores Carlos being organized by the lovely Claire. She is looking for other donations of art and craft work, so if you think that you can donate with either money or work, please do. This fundraiser will start in about a month.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

our art collection on apartmenttherapy

Hey, look! Our art collection is on apartmenttherapy !

We need to get the rest of it photographed too. We went to Ikea this past weekend and got some frames for our small prints.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

heath ceramics

I'm sure that I have mentioned my love of Edith Heath's ceramics here before. I just love the stuff. The glazes are so beautiful, the shapes are so elegant, and it's sturdy and strong and just pretty much perfect.

Our local museum has realized the greatness of Heath as well and they are putting on an exhibit ...a Heath exhibit!!! It opens this Saturday, January 20. And when I read the blurb about it I find out that it's in conjunction with the publication of a book!!!! And then I ordered the book in about three seconds flat! I love you, internet.

All of this pottery love makes me feel like a total nerd by the way, because now every time I think of Heath pottery, which unsurprisingly is embarrassingly often, I think of the time that I met the man who makes the molds for Heath.

I guess he is a friend of my friend Andy, and he came to open studios and when they were talking near me, I heard him talking about Heath and my ears perked up, and then they went up to see Laurel's work and I said to Scott, "I think that guy is from Heath" and he said, "Oh, I didn't tell you before? Yeah, he totally works for Heath, he's the mold maker." and I think that I was gone before he finished that sentence.

I went up to her studio too, trying to act all casual, but I was flustered and I felt like...well just very nerdy and kind of starstruck, and I started talking to the guy about Heath and he was really nice and friendly.

And then later, Laurel told me that the whole time I was talking to the guy, I was clutching a drawing that my little friend Djuna had made for me that said "I Love You." I was clutching an "I Love You" picture and pointing it at the Heath guy! And I was probably all red too. ...sigh.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


thrift store painting on burlap
shrinky dinks by Will Smith
sculpture by Laurel Roth and a painting that she bought for Scott from Adobe Books and I can't remember who painted it but it's awesome. Pirate ship on cardboard.

It's "art month" on Apartment Therapy, and they are asking people to photograph the way that they display art in their homes. Scott and I have a pretty big art collection, and it's growing all the time. We have lots of pieces that are waiting for frames, or to be hung and I have a bit of a difficult time figuring out where to put it all without it looking chaotic.

Our collection is mostly from local artists and San Francisco artists, with some thrift store pieces and some tiny showcase prints for good measure. I decided that I probably should catalog it in some way, so I'm taking photos and putting them in a set on flickr.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

auction preview

I am donating a piece to the Apartment Therapy SF charity auction to benefit DrawBridge, an arts program for homeless children. I am trying to decide which piece would be best to give.

I'm kind of leaning toward the house piece, because a lot of the children who use the program draw houses.

Any thoughts?


Thursday, January 11, 2007


This is a tea cozy that I made for Laurel for xmas. We gave her a cute little beehouse teapot, and so I made this guy to keep her tea warm while she's working in the studio. It's made from a wool sweater that I felted in the washing machine, the little blue parts of the eyes are cashmere.

She thought that it looked like Scott.

I also made this pincushion for her from the same sweater and some vintage fabric.
It feels good to be sewing again, except that my machine really did not enjoy sewing through two thick layers of felted wool.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

bright orange kitchen

I am so pleased to have my camera back, and for the lovely winter break that we had. Scott and I spent a good deal of time cooking and working on the house, and it was very nice.

These photos are from in our bright orange scullery. We got a set of really cool hanging panels for xmas from Larissa and Aaron, they are made by Koizol, and they are very fun and cheerful. They cast beautiful shadows too.

We keep wishing that we could paint our house. It's nice to have a rental that isn't sterile and white, but wow, the red and green living room, leading in to the purple, orange and yellow kitchen with the green ceiling can be a bit much sometimes.

The second photo shows the shadows cast on our little collection of Todd Barricklow pieces. Todd is in the upcoming "Close Calls" show at the Headlands. This show looks really good and I can't wait to see it. Also Todd's modded espresso machine is on the Make Blog!

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Monday, January 08, 2007

happy new year

Our holidays were merry. I surely hope that yours were too! I haven't posted in a while because I've been thinking and hibernating and trying to figure out what to do with this next year.

My camera is finally back from being repaired, so I plan to begin posting again in earnest.

Also, I'm adding some paintings to my etsy shop.

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