Saturday, January 07, 2006

on the mend, let the new year begin!

My daughter is feeling much better. She was able to eat and drink a good amount yesterday, and is no longer throwing up. Now I need to figure out how we can all get all the way better. It really has been a while since we were all well.

I've been only halfway thinking about the new year, and what I'd like to do with it, because I know that being sick, I don't have the energy to do much and there's so much that I want to do this year. Here is a little round up of what I've been ruminating on, and I'll sum it up in my own way when I'm all the way better.

Merlin Mann over at 43Folders has a series called "Fresh Starts and Modest Changes". "As an antidote to the surfeit of New Year’s resolutions, we’ll be looking into smaller, less dramatic adjustments (that don’t require a drunken promise or a pointy paper hat)."

I like the project that is going on over at swirlygirl. A weekly creativity exercise.

Then there is the "Mondo Beyondo" from Superhero Journal. I like that a lot.

I have ideas that have been brewing for years, and I'm hoping that this is the year they will come to be.

Now I think that I should go back to bed.


Blogger kate said...

I'm glad you guys are starting to feel better. Once Springtime comes around, I'm sure that your health will be more consistently good. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I think we should have a big ol' springtime/summertime block party!

1:37 PM  
Blogger kate said...

did i just say "more consistently good?" as in "more good?" christ on a cracker, kate.

3:17 PM  

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