Tuesday, November 23, 2004

so I suppose...

I suppose this has become less of a personal blog, and more of a blog about making art and stuff. I hope that it isn't too dull.

I took my portfolio down to Boomerang today, hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow about what she thought of it. It would be really fun to have a show there, I think.

I had a nice lunch with Scott and Gary, very delicious food, and it was a gorgeous clear and warmish day out, so we had a nice walk as well. I think the food may have had some valium in it or something though. Almost immediately afterwards I was so tired that I could barely function. I wanted to curl up and take a nap, but I couldn't.

I had to drive back to SR and then to Sebastopol to get the kids, and from there it's a long haul through dinner and bedtime and all that.

The kids were great tonight, got along well, played and drew and practiced writing, helped tidy the living room, ate all of their dinner, and were generally sweethearts.

I used that time to work on my website. Damn, that is going to be a challenge. I want a nice looking website, something way beyond my skill to do. So frustrating.

The diptych that Erik bought, we're calling it "Super Bad" really it's two wood panels that don't hang quite that closely together, and there's more to each image, but the whole thing didn't fit in my scanner. Posted by Hello

writing before tea

I'm awake early, the kids are still sleeping, it's still quite dark out, and it's too cold to get out of bed yet. They have school today, and I'm going down to have lunch with S. today, and to take some artwork in to Boomerang to see about possibly having a show there.

I have three small canvases, and 5 large ones to start work on this week. Lots of the blocks too. My last batch of them until I can find a new source. Creative Reuse is closing after this month, so there goes my cheap source of paper and wood. I am so sad about it, that place is wonderful and it feels so good to make my artwork on stuff that would otherwise have been thrown out.

I delivered two paintings to Erik Brown yesterday, and also cleaned his floors. The life of a new artist and mother is not so glamorous.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

guess what?

I get to take a nap...I've cleaned my room,fresh sheets and pillowcases are on the bed, my kids are happily playing mario party 4, and I get to take a nap.

And the best thing about taking a nap is that when I wake up, I get to have more tea, and maybe a cookie.

need a new template

I want a nice new template for my blog. I want to be able to have a link section, so I can link to other blogs, and so I can keep a database of cool arty and crafty sites and interesting stuff for people to look at.

I think though, that my advisor would tell me to put that way way down at the bottom of my massive to do list.



Tonight, I'm going to see my friend Jessamyn's art show at Moxie, where I had mine last month. I'm very excited about it. I've been trying to take the kids out every weekend to do some fun cultural thing, usually a local art opening. It's fun for me, and hopefully it will help instill the message for them that anyone can make art, and everyone should.

Anyway, Jessamyn is a really good photographer with a lovely style. She does beautiful wedding photography, and I really like her personal, artistic photography too.

her website is jessamynharris.com

Friday, November 19, 2004

the nectar of the scottish gods...a gift from my sweetie...is 80 cups a day alright to drink?? Posted by Hello

daily blah blah

My friend Rob says he doesn't like my photo. He says it makes me look like Lou Reed, and we all know that is not the way a lady wants to look.

My kids went out with my friend Art to one of those giant indoor tube climbing playgrounds, and it's been so quiet here today. I worked on a new print, but it didn't quite come out. I'm feeling a bit frazzled, and sleepy at the same time. I would like to have about 6 or 8 different prints, but sheesh, the gocco screens are so expensive, and each print I'm doing has three screens.

I think I'll spend some time (and money) this week getting a real screen printing set up going.

I'm trying to figure out how I can possibly do everything that I need to do to start a career/business, and also raise my kids well, and see my friends and do all of those other things that a person needs to do. How do people do it??

Maybe the next Audible book I get should be a cheesy time management book or something.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Silkscreen on Lovely Black Wool Upholstery Fabric on a Fakey Leopard Purse...soon on ebay I think! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Prints for Sale...cheap! Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 14, 2004


What I would like best is to just stay in bed today. I'd like to pull the blankets around me and close my eyes and just lie down until I can't lie down anymore. I want to curl up and watch documentaries and have S. next to me all warm and snoozy. I have a headache brewing.

I can't do that though, I have so much to do today. And it's mostly things that I want to do. Things that will be fun and good for me. After I drop my kids off, I need to finish some artwork, deliver the five paintings to Aaron, drive down to the city to deliver stuff to Budget Gallery. And I need to prepare for my meeting at the small business development center tomorrow morning, and lots of other things.

Okay, no more whining for me.

My first commision...Five paintings for Leah. Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 11, 2004

little commission

Yesterday was partly sucky. But today is so far mostly good. Zelia is playing with Djuna over at Spring's house. I love them. I love going over there, but Sylvan was all wound up and there was loudness that was bugging me, so I came home to get to work.

I got a little commission for 5 bra and underwear paintings, and they need them by Saturday. I also have to get my budget gallery stuff done by Sunday morning, so I'm going to be busy busy.

Kitchen cleaning, laundry started, painting, and then drive down to see S, who I hope isn't going to be too sleepy. Chances are, he will be, as he had a tough week at work.


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

political...evidence of voter fraud

Read this story please. It talks about the prohibition on reporting irregularities during election night coverage, the "lockdown" of the vote counting procedure in Warren Ohio, the fact that in 29 precincts in Cuyahoga county, there were more votes than voters, and guess who they were for?? And not just a few votes, 93,000 more votes than voters!!!

This isn't about democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, it's about the foundation of our system of democracy. If we can't trust that elections are free and fair, and that everyone's vote will be counted, then it's all just screwed.

Original: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/

Electronic Voting Angst (Keith Olbermann)

my favorite of the paintings I worked on today Posted by Hello

oooh...pretty old camera, the back is super neato too Posted by Hello

i got a new camera!

Hey! I got a new camera today for $6.00 at the thrift store. It's super duper neat looking and shoots half frame 35mm. I'm gonna try it out tomorrow! Not in the same league as Scott's D70 of course, but hey...it was six bucks!

Monday, November 08, 2004

oh and this...

This is the next thing I think I'm going to do. Budget Gallery. I'm excited about it.

more talking about work and things

One more hour until the kids come home. I got a slow start on working today. I ran errands, shipping, banking, groceries, etc. Did the thrift store circuit, and found nothing, darn it. But I did sell 80$ worth of yarn today on ebay which is excellent, and needed! I have 18 more of the small paintings started to replace the ones that have sold at Moxie, and I also started one big painting. Tomorrow I'll be working on those some more.

I am trying to find some time for planning. I have an appointment with the small business development center in about a week and a half, and I need to have a business plan. I'm worried that I'll miss the xmas shopping season, that I won't have any products ready, and I also just don't have much good inventory for ebay right now.

I wish that I could just focus on one thing, on developing my artwork, getting to where I am making the artwork that I want to make, getting shows, making my website. But I don't know if I trust that I can support us that way, and very soon I'll have school on top of everything.

Okay, to the kitchen now, dirty dishes are calling.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

it was okay

I actually had a pretty horrible, stressful and emotionally trying day. There were a few times when I just wanted to curl up in someone's arms and cry.

But things got better later in the day. The art auction closing party was tonight and it went well, my things got plenty of bids and both sold at decent prices. The kids came with me, and Spring and Todd and Djuna were there, and my ex mother in law and sister in law and her husband and kids and D's cousin too. And Dani and Jessamyn were there too, and her pieces sold as well, and she gave me an excellent mix-cd.

I had two glasses of good wine and felt pretty silly. There was a dj and the kids got funky on the dance floor. The three of them (my two and my nephew) were really dancing and having fun, along with a cute guy and a cute girl who was wearing cat ears. My seven year old nephew busted out some secret breakdancing moves , including a fricking head spin. (sorry Scott)

Larissa and Aaron actually have some money and they bid on two pieces and won one. When A got it home, he realized that the artist's name wasn't anywhere on it, and he couldn't remember what it was. He really doesn't want to have to call the gallery and ask...um what did I buy???

I hope I put my name on my stuff! I think I did.

After the dancing, Spring and I went to another art show .

I'm home now and ready for bed. I was sad that S. had other obligations, and couldn't be there.

Friday, November 05, 2004

when i don't get out of my pajamas

when i don't get out of my pajamas i write about a hundred (okay about 8 or so) pointless emails to my boyfriend with dumb random stuff i found on the internet, today it's all about political things. and funny things like what happens if you go to google and type "miserable failure" and hit the i'm feeling lucky button. or if you type in "weapons of mass destruction" and do the same thing.

i think usually he appreciates lots of emails because it gives him something to do while he's sitting there at work all day, waiting for graphics to render, or for things to print, etc.

today i think he was busy all day, so i've just been talking to myself via email and blogger.

now my children are chasing each other back and forth through the house because, like me, they are bored out of their minds.

okay going to fun dinner party thing now. and tomorrow i work.

oh okay...

I'm considering getting out of my pajamas and going over to Carey's for dinner. The kids and I have been in the house all day, and I think they want to get out and play with some friends. Lacey and Achilles and Maddy are going, and maybe Kate too. It will be chaos and fun probably. Combined, we'll have 6 kids running around.

I won't be getting anything else done today, and I'd be surprised if I could stay up and work once the kids are asleep. We'll see.

Tomorrow is the Roshambo auction closing party. I still need a sitter. I hope my pieces sell...

I'll write about it.

i think i'm depressed

oh dear. I think I'm depressed because of the election. Depressed and frightened. And so, at this totally critical time for starting my business and trying to get another show, and getting listings done for ebay, I'm just immobile.

I put my pajamas back on and I've been pointlessly just floundering about on the internet today.

Enough!! Ugh!

I have to put on some real clothes and get some stuff done!! I have a to do list a mile long!


It turned out horribly. The election was worse than I had even feared. The presidency, the Senate and the House. Ugh. The prospect of Bush appointed Supreme Court Justices is frightening.

I still can't write coherently about it.

I hope that the Democrats will now realize that they need to have plan, and be strategic like the Republicans. They have to be as smart, and as ruthless and mobilize people more effectively. This country really cannot become a radical theocracy, steered by the extreme religious values of a zealous minority. It can't, can it?

The whole "morals" issue is bewildering to me. I thought that Christians were supposed to love their fellow man, look out for the poor, be peaceful and tolerant and charitable. How is Bush able to sell himself as the more moral man, when his policies are bringing violent deaths to thousands of innocent people?

Okay...I'm going to stop now. I could go on and on and on and fill pages, but I think I'll wait.